End of 2014 rainy season and everybody is thinking how much the lake level will go down from these up coming six dry months. If you owne a house on the waterfront this can be a serious matter, compromising potentially your life style.
Since six years now the lake have been rising steadly, encroaching more and more on the shore line, gaining hights and depths were there is soft slope. Always having to raise piers Municipals as Privates. Shrinking the public space that have been gain during the las twenty years it has been going down. Sunking private and public investment on the shore lines. Since last years the rise have slow down because of less rain during the rainy season. Small hurracans season in the golf of Mexico as well as on the Pacific Coast have brought much less humidity. This slow influx of water also helps in lowering the conditions that accelerate the degradation of the qualit of the lake water. Less rain means less erosion and less materials coming into the lake. The flow of contaminated waters still have not been reduced substancially. But the recent control by Amsclae and Ministry of Environment on the hotels and restaurants located in Panajachel, Santiago, San Pedro and San Marcos La Laguna are helping to raise the conscienceness about working urgently in solving the flow of contaminated waters mostly from Municipal collecting system. Amigos del Lago in colaboration with Dr Stuart Oakley have presented its integrated solution to manage the waste water on lake Atitlan basin. Now starts the big work of getting the institutions concerned and the government to put the means behind this project. In order to protect the life style the lake have been offering us.